Monday, September 14, 2009

Update from 35,000 feet

Well, we are on our way! I am writing from 35,000 feet somewhere above the Carolinas. We left our Arlington, VA short-term apartment this morning at seven a.m. Packed lightly we were not. I’m not sure if it was the decision to bring the Wii, or the decision to bring the life-sized stuffed St. Bernard, or the decision to bring forty-seven (or so) books, including a 20-year old, never read history of US policy in Central America that I suddenly feel is indispensable, or some other similar decision…but something along the way disqualified us for membership in the “Light Packers” category.

Our week in Arlington was great, marred only by the fact that we could not possibly see everyone we wanted to see, and not even see those we did see for long enough. Baker and Riley each had some great playdates and sleepovers, Tara had a fun girls’ night out and I enjoyed a few breakfasts and lunches with friends. Tae tagged along to all these events, his trusty workshop toolbox in hand so that if we stumbled upon the need to sand, drill, or plane a plastic toy, we were ready.

Flight one from DC to Charlotte was smooth as silk, thanks in part to Tara’s brilliant seat selection strategy, in which we selected seats D,E, and F in one row and seats D and F in the row behind. She reasoned that no right-minded flyer was going to select the middle seat (E) and, according to plan, Tae and I had an entire row to ourselves.
A brief and easy layover in Charlotte has us on flight two, into San Jose and this time. Tara is alone in a row with a sleeping Tae, Riley deep into an episode of iCarly on her iPod, and Baker racing Hot Wheels on his DS.

I think we are all looking forward in our own ways to this year ahead, each (except perhaps Tae who for his own reasons doesn’t think that far ahead) with our own trepidations. We are excited about fishing, horseback riding, surfing, yoga, learning spanish, making new friends, writing and exploring. And nervous about school, making new friends (funny that), living a really rural life and not knowing what really lies ahead. We have faith that somewhere in the mix of those excitements and concerns will lie a really wonderful experience.


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